2024-2027 Strategic Plan

Message from the PSB Chair and the Police Chief

PSB Chair Iannicca and PRP Chief Duraiappah

We are pleased to present the 2024-2027 Peel Regional Police Strategic Plan

It is with great pleasure that the Peel Police Service Board unveils its 2024-2027 Strategic Plan, a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in policing as mandated by the Police Services Act. Every four years, we embark on this strategic journey, and this latest plan not only reflects our dedication to the dynamic needs of our vibrant community but also highlights the pivotal role of the Peel Police Service Board and Peel Regional Police in shaping the path forward.

Crafted in collaboration with Chief Nishan Duraiappah and the dedicated members of Peel Regional Police, and enriched by the valuable insights garnered through rigorous community engagement processes, including Residential and Business Community Surveys, our strategic plan stands as a testament to our collective determination to provide adequate and effective policing throughout the Region of Peel. Building upon the accomplishments of our previous 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, our 2024-2027 roadmap is rooted in the three pillars of success: Our Community, Our People and Our Work.

Guided by principles centered on community safety and well-being, fostering an inclusive and progressive workplace and ensuring accountability, equity and innovative service excellence, we aspire to elevate our standards even further. The plan emphasizes key priorities such as road safety, combating violent crime, addressing mental health and addiction challenges and tackling family and intimate partner violence.

Building on our ground breaking and legally binding agreement with the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and dedicated to applying a human rights lens in all operations, we will champion the rights of our priority populations. This strategic plan not only acknowledges our shared accomplishments but also opens new opportunities for collaborative efforts to build a Safer Community Together.

As we unveil this roadmap for the next four years, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our community, policing partners and the exceptional members of Peel Regional Police. Your invaluable contributions have played a pivotal role in shaping this comprehensive plan, and together, we are confident that we will continue to make significant strides towards a safer and more secure future.


Chair and Chief signatures



2020-2023 Strategic Plan Accomplishments
During the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan, Peel Regional Police accomplishments included:
  • Developed the ‘Our Way Forward’ Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Strategy. PRP continues to support the goals and objectives of the Region’s CSWB Plan by integrating a CSWB lens within our operations. We continue to work towards identifying the root cause of specific calls, ensuring that people who are fundamentally in need of help receive the right services at the right time.
  • Established a specialized Intimate Partner Violence Unit, in partnership with the Safe Centre of Peel.
  • Developed and are implementing the Mental Health and Addiction Strategy in collaboration with various community partner agencies.
  • Expanded our crisis response teams to assist those in need of mental health, addiction and intimate partner violence support and intervention. These teams include the Community Crisis Rapid Response Team, Mobile Community Crisis Rapid Response Team, Safe Centre Response Team, Crisis Outreach and Support Team.
  • Established Divisional Mobilization Teams to deliver engagement, intervention and risk prevention support to vulnerable priority populations.
  • Launched an Autism Strategy alongside our community partners to strengthen how police can best support the autistic community in Peel. Believed to be the first of its kind in Canada, the strategy was developed through a highly collaborative approach between PRP and many community partners invested in achieving the best outcomes for individuals with autism.
  • Worked with the Peel Police Services Board and the Ontario Human Rights Commission to develop initial recommendations to address systemic racism and discrimination in policing.
  • Continued to leverage technology to support service delivery, communication and safety by implementing a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, advancing the use of corporate-issued mobile smartphone technology and issuing body worn cameras to our frontline officers.
  • Formed the Anti-Racism Advisory Committee to inform and advise the PRP Human Rights Project.
  • Continued to address road safety through strategic enforcement, campaigns and education. The Safer Roads Team was created, which focuses on prolific driving offenders and conducting proactive activities designed to improve the safety of Peel roadways.
  • Continued to partner with various agencies to provide wrap-around supports, including the Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre to assist members of the community who may be in crisis or are looking to get support related to alcohol, drugs or gambling addiction.
  • Launched the Peel Region Situation Table, a collaborative, multi-sector partnership with various community agencies in the Region. It provides a focused, ‘wrap around’ support approach to the most vulnerable and those who are at a heightened risk of harm.
  • Hosted the Auto Theft Summit 2023, with the Peel Police Services Board and in collaboration with various policing partners. The summit was attended by police services and representatives from various sectors including auto manufacturing, insurance and government partners. Discussions took place around the rise in auto thefts and measures to reducing their numbers and impacts in the Region of Peel and throughout Ontario.
  • Launched a new, dedicated organization Wellness location, central to the Region, to ensure ease-of-access to supports by all PRP members.
  • Awarded Silver Level Certification in the category of Healthy Workplace Standard by Excellence Canada. The pathway to certification involved meeting and exceeding rigorous standards in the areas of Leadership, Planning and Programs, People Engagement and Process and Risk Management.


Our Vision

 A Safer Community Together

Our Mission

Committed to community safety and well-being through progressive, innovative and inclusive service excellence.

Our Values

Fostering trust through:

Accountability and transparency
Respect, equity, diversity and inclusion
Integrity and compassion
Duty to protect the rights and well-being of all

Our Strategy

Our CommunityOur Community - officer carrying young boy at C4C event

Goal - Achieve community safety and well-being in collaboration with partners.

  1. Identify and respond effectively to citizen calls for service and community crime trends
  2. Implement and evaluate crime prevention initiatives
  3. Follow the Mental Health and Addiction Strategy to guide response to and support for mental health related calls
  4. Align with the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan to implement strategies and initiatives identifying and supporting victims, offenders and priority populations
  5. Work with emergency management partners to ensure readiness through emergency management planning
  6. Support awareness, education, response and advocacy for partners, related to intimate partner and family violence
  7. Develop strategies to strengthen engagement with and supports for positive outcomes among young people in Peel
  8. Use education, enforcement and proactive strategies to focus on road safety
  9. Collaborate with community partners on opportunities for enhanced information sharing and integrated service delivery
Performance Indicators
  1. Crime severity index (CSI) for violent and non-violent crimes that is below the provincial and national CSI
  2. Weighted clearance rate for violent and non-violent crimes that is above the provincial and national weighted clearance rates
  3. Youth crime rate that is below the provincial and national rates
  4. Clearance rate for youth crime that is above the provincial and national rates
  5. Reduce the rate per 100,000 for traffic fatalities and personal injury accidents
  6. Achieve the standards for 9-1-1 wait times set forth by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
  7. Improve response times for all priorities
  8. Monitor and review frontline referrals for Community Safety and Well-Being and Divisional Mobilization review for identified social risk factors
Consultation Feedback

Suggested areas of focus:

  • Improvements to call wait and response times
  • Increased police visibility and presence within our community
  • Increased resources within the community to deal with increasing crime and its prevention
  • Community education and offender assistance
  • Increased focus on mental health training and priority populations
  • Mental health, intimate partner and family violence
  • Community consultation and education
  • Collaboration and working with partners

Perception of Peel Regional Police and our community:

  • Most residents and businesses are satisfied with their personal safety, despite the perception that crime has increased
  • Residents believe that fraud scams, theft of vehicles, theft from vehicles and gun violence are some big or moderate problems in their neighbourhood
  • Safety and well-being concerns were identified (i.e. domestic violence, drug-related crimes, youth mental health, etc.)
  • Residents and businesses think that speeding, aggressive driving and distracted driving are big or moderate problems in their community and around their businesses

Source: Community & Partners Consultations

Our People3 smiling prisoner escort officers

Goal: Foster an inclusive, engaged and progressive workplace.

  1. Promote initiatives to support the cultural, physical and psychological well-being and safety of our employees
  2. Develop and monitor a Wellness Strategy
  3. Support continued growth of employees by providing resources and development opportunities
  4. Attract and retain qualified employees who represent our community
  5. Create and evaluate recruiting initiatives
  6. Keep employees informed through internal communication systems
  7. Systems exist to collect and respond to employee feedback
Performance Indicators
  1. Increase in the percentage of uniformed new hires from under-represented groups reflecting our community
  2. Increase the representation of members throughout the organization reflective of our community
  3. Achieve an employee engagement index of 70%
Consultation Feedback

Suggested areas of focus:

  • Expansion of equity, anti-bias and cultural awareness training for staff
  • Continued focus on being reflective of the community

Source: Community & Partners Consultations

  • Improvements in the areas of career growth and learning and development to help drive engagement
  • Enhancement of communication throughout all levels of the organization. These communications should ensure a connection is made between employee input and the actions taken.

Source: Employee Survey

Perception of Peel Regional Police and our community:

  • Support from partners for current strategic priorities, including the focus on the cultural, physical and psychological well-being of PRP employees.

Source: Community & Partners Consultations

Our Work911 communicator wearing headset while taking a call

Goal: Ensure accountability, equity and innovative service excellence.

  1. Use the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to guide initiatives to support equity, diversity and inclusion in our workplace and community
  2. Implement a multi-year Human Rights Project action plan in collaboration with the Ontario Human Rights Commission
  3. Ensure effective and sustainable resource planning through the annual budget, financial reporting, and service delivery reviews
  4. Foster public trust and confidence
  5. Identify, implement and evaluate innovative processes, combining technology and risk mitigation, guided by the Information and Technology Plan
  6. Identify and engage in sustainable environmental practices
  7. Use the Facilities Plan to guide facilities related projects supporting a healthy and safe workplace
  8. Ensure communication methods and strategies support community awareness and engagement
Performance Indicators
  1. Improvement in scores for Public Safety Canada core survey questions relating to trust and confidence in police
  2. Increase percentage of Community Survey respondents that agree/strongly agree that they support how the police usually act to 80%
  3. Increase percentage of Community Survey respondents that agree/strongly agree that police treat people with respect to 80%
  4. Monitor and review public complaints and their resolution
  5. Monitor and review the use of de-escalation in use of force incidents
Consultation Feedback

Suggested areas of focus:

  • Continued focus on equity, diversity, inclusion and relationships with marginalized groups
  • Foster trust within the community
  • Equity and anti-bias training for employees
  • Cultural differences and biases, including cultural awareness training for staff
  • Increased resources within the community to address increasing crime and crime prevention

Perception of Peel Regional Police and our community:

  • There is a low, community awareness of PRP initiatives

Source: Community & Partners Consultations

Developing the Strategic Plan

Our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan was informed and developed through feedback received from our community, partners and Peel Regional Police employees.

An extensive consultation process took place and included:

  • Random sample residential and business community surveys completed by residents and businesses in Brampton and Mississauga. An open-link online community survey was also conducted to gather input from our community.
  • Workshops with community and policing partner organizations where participants provided feedback on Peel Regional Police’s efforts and the challenges that need to be addressed moving forward.
  • Various partner and stakeholder feedback gathered through a survey.
  • An Employee Survey that gathered input to identify our strengths and areas of opportunity.

In addition, feedback was collected through consultation with the Chief’s Advisory Council, the Anti-Racism Advisory Committee and through consultation processes as part of the South Asian Community Engagement (SACE) initiative. Community consultation sessions held by the Peel Police Services Board Governance and the Human Rights Committee were also leveraged as key information drivers of this Plan.

An Environmental Scan was completed to identify internal and external factors that may impact Peel Regional Police and our service delivery. This was used with the consultation feedback sessions to develop the Plan’s goals and objectives.

The Strategic Plan will guide Peel Regional Police in the development of organizational strategies and initiatives to ensure we are meeting the needs of our members and community.

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