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General Information

Non-Emergency line: 905-453-3311

Use the Non-Emergency Line for reporting non-urgent situations or to make general inquiries.

Automated Phone Line: 905-453-2121

Use this line if you have a direct extension or know the name of the employee you are hoping to reach. This line doesn't have a live operator.

Teletypewriter (TTY) - for the Hearing Impaired Only: 905-451-1196

This line can be used to report emergency or non-emergency situations, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A person with hearing loss can call for police service as follows: Emergency calls can be made from a TTY by calling 9-1-1 and pressing the space bar until you receive a response.

Frequently Called Numbers

Alarm Program Unit

The Alarm Program Unit communicates with the alarm industry and the alarm subscriber to identify and resolve false alarms.

905-453-2121 ext. 4594

Auxiliary Program

The Auxiliary Program is made up of over 100 volunteers who support the police service in many ways.

905-453-2121 ext. 3872

Children’s Safety Village

An educational center designed for students in grades one through three and five to practice safety rules they have learned at school and at home.

905-453-3311 ext. 4071

Children's Safety Village website

Community Liaison/Neighbourhood Policing

11 Division CLO, Cst. Rowena Pryce ext. 1160
12 Division CLO, Cst. Wendy Amantea ext. 1260
21 Division CLO, Cst. Gaganjit Dhaliwal ext. 2160
22 Division CLO, Cst. Jana Marchese ext. 2260

11 Neighbourhood Policing ext. 1108
12 Neighbourhood Policing ext. 1203
21 Neighbourhood Policing ext. 2108
22 Neighbourhood Policing ext. 2208


Corporate Communications / Media Relations

Media Inquiries: 905-453-3311 ext. 4027

Crime Prevention Unit

Requesting presentations, general personal and property safety questions, call us.

905-453-2121 ext. 4021

Equity and Inclusion Unit

Provides cultural awareness through community engagement and outreach, police initiatives and campaigns, and through collaborative community events. 

905-453-2121 ext. 3605

Hate-Motivated Crime HOTLINE: (905) 456-5905

Fraud Bureau

The Fraud Bureau investigates scams and frauds cybercrime. 

If you are a victim of a fraud, please attend your nearest Peel Regional Police Division/Community station to file a Fraud Report. Reports are not taken over the phone. 

For any inquires about frauds/trends/scams, please contact the non-emergency line 

905-453-2121 ext. 3335

Intimate Partner Violence/ Elder Abuse/ Mental Health

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Unit: Supports victims of violence with the goal of reducing the rate of Intimate Partner Violence in Peel. The IPV Unit has partnered with Safe Centre of Peel (SCoP) to provide a continuum of compassionate care and support for survivors at every stage of their journey.

Non-emergency number: 905-453-2121 ext. 4990

Elder Abuse: Provides assistance and guidance as appropriate, in relation to the investigation of incidents involving elder persons and/or vulnerable adults

Elder Abuse Co-ordinator, 905-453-2121 ext. 3428

Mental Health Co-ordinator, 905-453-2121 ext. 3623 

Labour Liaison

905-453-2121 ext. 3294

email: LabourRelations@peelpolice.ca

Paid Duties

To book an officer for an event such as, concerts, weddings, etc., within the Region of Peel, call us at:

905-453-2121 ext. 4243

email us at: CentralPaidDuty@peelpolice.ca

Police Reports, Records Checks and Process Servers

Record Services provides records checks for the citizens of Mississauga and Brampton.

Brampton Location: 905-453-2121 ext. 4390

Mississauga Location: 905-453-2121 ext. 2635

Notice to all law firms, paralegals and process servers:

All legal documents are to be delivered to Records Services located at Sir Robert Peel Centre, 7750 Hurontario Street, Brampton.

Professional Standards

To make a complaint against a police officer

Recruiting & Staff Support Unit

Police Recruiting & General Inquiries:

905-453-2121 ext. 3840

Special Victims Unit

Our goal is to protect and support children by conducting detailed investigations into allegations regarding child abuse.

905-453-2121 ext. 3460

Victims Services of Peel

We provide support to victims of crime and tragedy to help them overcome the impact of domestic and sexual assault, robbery, homicide, suicide and other tragic circumstances.


Victim Services of Peel 

Youth Education Bureau

We strive to create programs and committees to help strengthen our relationship with our youth community.

905-453-2121 ext. 3625

By-Law and Community Services

Search for Services Near You: 2-1-1

Information and referral helpline to community, social government and health services. From anywhere in Ontario call 2-1-1 when you don’t know where to turn

Access to Local Municipal Programs and Services: 3-1-1

The 3-1-1 telephone service is a partnership between the cities of Brampton and Mississauga, the Town of Caledon and the Region of Peel to provide Peel residents with simple access to municipal information. 3-1-1 is free and available in your language.

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Documents Library

You may be able to find what you're looking for in our Documents library

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point for on mapFind a Police Station

Use the map below to find and get directions to the Peel Regional Police facility nearest to you. Note, reports can only be made at Divisions or Community stations, not at Headquarters or Emil Kolb Centre.

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