Please be aware that our current processing time for record checks is approximately 10 business days (2 – 3 weeks). We do not provide in-person, same-day or expedited services for record check requests.
Apply from the comfort of your home through our online portal! You will be able to check the status and will receive the results by email once completed.
Only individuals without a Social Insurance Number or those requiring fingerprints for a vulnerable sector check will be accommodated in person at our locations.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please use the link below to Apply Online for a Records Check.
Apply Online for a Record Check
For urgent inquiries, please contact the numbers below:
Motor Vehicle Accident Reports Desk: 905-453-3311 ext. 4365
Occurrence and Insurance Reports: 905-453-3311 ext. 4384
Records Search Unit: 905-453-3311 ext. 4338
The Peel Regional Police provides records checks for the citizens of Mississauga and Brampton.
Record Check Services
Police Record Checks – Fee Change |
As of April 1, 2022, record checks for Volunteers applying for either Level 1 or Level 2 will be free of charge:
Volunteers will need to provide a letter from the volunteer agency when applying. They can also request to receive up to 5 free copies of their Level 1 and Level 2 record checks during the application process. The standard fees will remain the same for Volunteers applying for a Level 3 - Vulnerable Sector Check. |
Requirements for All Record Checks |
We offer three types of Criminal Record Checks:
Requirements for All Record Checks
Accepted Photo ID:
Other IDs that you can use with your photo ID:
*If you have a Driver’s Licence or an Ontario Photo card: The address on the card must be your current address in Mississauga or Brampton. If you do not have a Driver’s Licence or Ontario Photo card: You must provide proof of address. Examples include: utility bill, government issued mail or bank statement. The date of the document must be within the past 30 days. |
Types of Record Checks |
For more detailed information regarding what is released on each level of a criminal background check, see Level 1, 2, & 3 accordions below. |
What Type of Criminal Background Check Do I Need? |
Please refer to the chart below for some of the most common positions applied for and the level of background check requested.
Criminal Record Check (Level 1) |
(also known as a CRC) This check is intended for people who are involved as a volunteer, employee or in any other situation where a basic check is requested. This check will show:
This check will NOT show:
FeeCriminal Record Checks cost $35. Payments can be made by cash, Debit, MasterCard or Visa. No refunds will be issued. |
Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (Level 2) |
(formerly known as a Police Information Check) This check is intended for people who require a criminal records check along with a search of outstanding entries and charges. Examples: Border crossing, Immigration, Taxi Licence, Employment (not working with vulnerable people). This check will show:
FeeCriminal Record and Judicial Matters Checks cost $35. Payments can be made by cash, Debit, MasterCard or Visa. No refunds will be issued. |
Vulnerable Sector Check (Level 3) |
(formerly known as a Police Vulnerable Sector Check) This check is intended for people who work or volunteer with vulnerable people (i.e., school teacher, coaches, parent volunteer). A vulnerable person can be a child under 18 years, elderly and/or disabled. This check will show:
FeesVulnerable Sector Checks cost $35. Fingerprinting Fee Peel Police $27. Fingerprinting Fee RCMP $25. Payments can be made by cash, Debit, MasterCard or Visa. No refunds will be issued. Note to Volunteers: Bring in a volunteer letter from your agency and fingerprinting fees will not apply. |
Record Suspensions (Previously known as Pardons) |
You can obtain a Record Suspension Guide from the Parole Board of Canada Website. You can send your Local Records Check in the mail. Please include the following:
Please Note: If someone is acting on your behalf, you must include an Authorization Letter allowing us to release your information to a third party. Mail the Local Police Records Check form, notarized ID and payment to: Record Search Unit,
FeeLocal Police Record Checks for Record Suspensions cost $92. |
Removal of Fingerprint Records |
Application can be made for destruction of fingerprints, photographs and records of disposition in relation to an arrest by the Peel Regional Police which did not result in a conviction. There is a 60 day waiting period from the date of the last court appearance before an application will be processed. This is to ensure that all pertinent documents are accessible for recall. The following conditions must also apply before the request is approved:
If the applicant has non-conviction information listed with another police service, this information will need to be assessed as part of the process in determining if the request will be approved. For Absolute or Conditional Discharges received before July 24, 1992, please visit the RCMP’s website for more information. The Youth Criminal Justice Act is clear on the retention and disclosure of youth records, therefore an application for the destruction of fingerprints, photographs and records of disposition for young persons will not be accepted. The applicant must be an adult 18 years of age or older at the date of arrest. It is our procedure to deny fingerprint destruction requests for a period of 5 years from the disposition date if there are mitigating circumstances such as a risk to public safety, if the charge(s) are of a serious nature or if the applicant is part of an ongoing investigation. Consideration will be given to those charge(s) that are listed as primary designated or secondary designated offences as defined in section 487.04 of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46. Receiving Your RequestOnce the request is approved by Peel Regional Police, a request will be sent to the RCMP to purge their file. Once Peel Regional Police is advised by the RCMP the file has been purged, Peel Regional Police will then purge the fingerprints, photographs and record of disposition(s) in our files and notify the applicant of the destruction of both the RCMP and Peel Regional Police files. Destruction of this information does not remove the event from the Peel Regional Police database. The process can take approximately six to 12 months. ApplicationIf you would like us to destroy your fingerprints, photographs, and the record of disposition from any criminal charge that did not result in a conviction, send us a letter with the request and the following information:
Or you can mail in a Request for Destruction of Fingerprints and Photo form. Requests can be faxed to 905-456-6210. Mailing Address:Send the destruction request letter or form to: Peel Regional Police Appeal ProcessEligibility for destruction of fingerprints, photographs and records of disposition is governed by policy and procedure. An applicant will be notified in writing should their request for destruction be denied and supplied with the reason for refusal. The applicant has the right to request a review of this decision by submitting a written appeal, within 60 business days of the refusal, to the Inspector of Records Services, at the below noted address. Further information to support an appeal requiring Peel Regional Police to give consideration to mitigating factors must be supplied, along with any court transcripts considered appropriate to substantiate the position. Mitigating factors may include, but are not limited to:
Consideration will be given to each appeal request and a decision will be rendered within 90 business days of receipt of all documents required to complete the appeal process; delays in responding within the 90 business day period indicated may occur as a result of mitigating circumstances. The applicant will be notified of the outcome in writing. Should the appeal be denied, an individual may seek redress through the Courts. Inspector, Records Services Questions?Contact us at 905-453-3311 ext. 4314
Youth Records |
Disclosure of Youth RecordsIn accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), youth records will only be released to federal, provincial or municipal government agencies. Record checks for young persons won't be conducted for any other purpose. To require applicants to apply and pay for a product when no results will be released is not in the best interest of the applicant, community or the police service. If a youth is requesting a copy of their own record for personal reasons, they will be required to submit fingerprints electronically through Real Time Identification. It will provide the youth with a RCMP report based on a fingerprint search and will contain a copy of the National Repository data holding as it exists, but without fingerprint images. It won't have the official RCMP embossment seal and will be in a plain format only. |
Locations and Hours of Operation
You can visit our locations in Brampton or Mississauga for record services. Record Checks are NOT available at Headquarters, 7150 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON.
Brampton |
Sir Robert Peel Centre Hours of operation (Effective June 17, 2024)
Record Checks are NOT available at Headquarters, 7150 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON. |
Mississauga |
11 Division Hours of operation (Effective June 17, 2024)
Record Checks are NOT available at Headquarters, 7150 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON. |
Holiday Hours |
Holiday hours for 11 Division Record Search Unit (RSU) office in Mississauga and our Brampton office at 7750 Hurontario St. Record check applications can be submitted online 24/7 at Police Reports and FOI requests will not be available during the noted closures. 2025 Holiday Closures:
Contact Information |
Brampton Location: Sir Robert Peel Centre 905-453-3311 ext. 4338 11 Division |
Contact Us