We do not provide same-day or expedited services for reports requests.

Woman and employee talking at records kiosk

Report Types

Occurrence Report $37.00

Break and enter, stolen vehicle, theft from a vehicle, lost/stolen property (including identification and passports), mischief, fire, theft, assault, domestic, fraud/identity theft, landlord/tenant dispute, assist citizen, missing person, robbery, neighbour dispute and dog bite.

If you have any questions, please contact 905-453-3311 ext. 4384.

Motor Vehicle Collision Report $40.00

You must have been involved in the collision in order to obtain a copy of the Motor Vehicle Collision Report.

If you have any questions, please contact 905-453-3311 ext. 4365.

As of September 1, 2023, we will no longer be releasing self-reported motor vehicle collision reports. If you attended a Collision reporting Centre, please apply online through the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) for a copy of your accident report.

Forms must be used with Adobe Software for FULL FORM FUNCTIONALITY, i.e. email, text boxes, date selection etc.
To download forms (right-click link and save)

Form D

Application Process for Law Firms & Insurance Companies

Requests for reports are to be mailed in on company letterhead providing details related to the incident. All requests must include signed consent from your client authorizing the release, along with a company cheque covering the applicable fees.

  • Occurrence reports $37.00
  • Motor Vehicle Collisions $40.00
  • Notes/Statements $151.00
Apply In Person

Citizens may attend Peel Regional Police to make a request for a police report. You must bring a completed Form D, and produce two pieces of valid government issued ID, one that includes a photo (expired identification will not be accepted). Health cards without photos and Social Insurance Number (SIN) cards will not be accepted.

Examples of photo identification (ID) include:

  • Driver’s licence
  • Passport
  • Firearms licence
  • Ontario Photo card

Other examples of ID include:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Study/Work Permit
  • Immigration documents

Please allow 15 business day to process requests. Completed reports will be mailed or emailed.

Apply By Mail

Mail your request to:
Customer Service Unit
Peel Regional Police
7750 Hurontario Street
Brampton, ON L6V 3W6

For mail in requests, a certified cheque or money order is required (see rates and report types above). There is no fee for a correction request. Cheques must be made payable to Peel Regional Police.

You must include two pieces of valid government issued ID, one that includes a photo (expired identification will not be accepted). Health cards without photos and Social Insurance Number (SIN) cards will not be accepted.

Examples of photo identification (ID) include:

  • Driver's licence
  • Passport
  • Firearms licence
  • Ontario Photo card

Other examples of ID include:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Study/Work Permit
  • Immigration documents

Please allow 15 business day to process requests. Completed reports will be mailed or emailed.

How to Request Records Contained in a Major Collision File

Major Collision Bureau investigates all Motor Vehicle Collisions resulting in a fatality or serious personal injury that occur in the Region of Peel. 

By Mail or Email

  1. Company letter or personal/company email requesting the records, including date, time, location, occurrence number, officer in charge of the collision.   How you are involved or your relationship to the involved party.
  2. Client’s signed consent or two copies of your government issued identification and your contact information.
  3. Our office will advise you in writing regarding the status of the case or any known court dates.

If you are NOT the Involved Party to the Collision

You must provide proof of relationship to the involved party and a signed consent on behalf of the involved individual. 

If the Involved Individual is Deceased

You are required to provide an authorization from the legal representative or power of attorney with supporting documents.


***Do Not Send Payment Until You Have Been Invoiced***

Contact Information

Please contact Information and Privacy Unit at 905-453-3311 Ext. 4308 for additional assistance.

Hours of operation

Hours of operation (Effective June 17, 2024)

  • Monday - Administrative Closure
  • Tuesday – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday - Administrative Closure
  • Thursday – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Friday - Administrative Closure
  • Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays: CLOSED


Contact Us

Peel Regional Police
Records Reception Desk
7750 Hurontario Street
Brampton, Ontario
L6V 3W6

Police Reports are NOT available at Headquarters, 7150 Mississauga Road, , Mississauga, ON  905-453-3311 ext. 4050.

Requests will not be processed without all of the above, if you have any questions please contact 905-453-3311 ext. 4384

For urgent inquiries, please contact the numbers below:

Motor Vehicle Accident Reports Desk: 905-453-3311 ext. 4365

Occurrence and Insurance Reports: 905-453-3311 ext. 4384

General Line for Customer Service Unit: 905-453-3311 ext. 4364

Contact Us

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