Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA)
Peel Regional Police is made up of over 2,200 police officers and 900 civilian employees that work with the community to ensure our priority of community safety. We take great pride in serving our community and we are committed to transparency and maintaining community confidence when dealing with any possible officer misconduct. Our officers are governed by the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA). The Act defines the role of a police officer and outlines how they are expected to conduct themselves. Our officers are held to a high standard of conduct and officers can face formal discipline if they disobey the Act.
This means officers:
- Can face discipline when misconduct occurs.
- May be charged under the CSPA.
- Must attend a disciplinary hearing, if charged.
If an officer is charged, the Chief of Police has the authority to suspend the officer with pay while the investigation takes place, in certain circumstances. Please note that Criminal Code convictions don't determine whether an officer's employment is terminated; it's the CSPA process that has the potential to affect an officer's employment status.
How to Make a Complaint Against a Police Officer
- Fill out the complaint form from the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA).
- A complaint should be made within six months of the alleged wrongdoing.
- If it involves a claim of racial profiling, you may also file an application under the Human Rights Code.
You can also visit any Peel Regional Police division to make a complaint in person, within six months of the alleged wrongdoing. It should be in writing and must be signed by the person directly affected. All complaints made about the conduct of an officer goes to LECA. They will review the complaint and decide how to proceed. The police service in question, another police service or LECA themselves may investigate the complaint. The outcomes of all complaints are reviewed by LECA. Following the investigation of a complaint, and if a hearing is ordered to take place, the hearing is aligned with the Community Safety and Policing Act.
You Can Make a Complaint If You:
- Are concerned or offended by something a police officer(s) said or did to you and were directly affected by the event.
- Were a witness to an event involving a police officer(s) that concerned or offended you.
- Are concerned or upset because of the way a relative or friend has been treated by a police officer(s) and you're:
- In a personal relationship with the person who is directly involved and who has suffered loss, damage, distress, danger or inconvenience
- A person who has knowledge of behavior, or you have an item or evidence, that proves or shows unacceptable work.
- Are acting on behalf of an individual. For example, a member of an organization who has been given written permission to make a complaint on another's behalf (this person is known as an agent).
Complaints About a Policy or Service
If your complaint is not about the conduct of a specific police officer, you may also complain to the Inspector General of Policing using the online complaints form.
The types of complaints the Inspector General has authority to handle include:
- Complaints that a police service may not be providing adequate and effective policing, as defined in regulation.
- Complaints that a police service, a police service board, or an organization that employs special constables has failed to comply with any other part of the Community Safety and Policing Act or its regulations.
- Complaints about procedures established by Chiefs of Police.
How Do I Find Out the Outcome of a Disciplinary Hearing?
Transparency and community trust are very important to our organization. It is imperative for us to allow the public a clearer understanding of the ongoing disciplinary hearings that take place. The results of these hearings need to be accessible to the public and therefore we publish the outcomes for a period of three months. View the table of results below
Date | Officer | Charge | Hearing Officer | Decision |
January 2, 2025 |
Cst. S. Kirmani |
1 count of Discreditable Conduct |
Superintendent Taufic Saliba |
Officer | Charge | 1st Appearance Date | Location of 1st Appearance |
* |
7150 Mississauga Road |
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