Our Work

Our Work Performance Indicators

Officer in uniform with body-worn camera

Technological Advancements

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­New Collision Reporting and Occurrence Management System

In conjunction with the new Collision Reporting Centres (CRC), our service has upgraded to a new Collision Reporting and Occurrence Management System (CROMS). In the fall of 2021, the CROMS mobile application went live for sworn members to enter motor vehicle collision reports, replacing the previous E-Collision System. CROMS is an integrative technology that uses powerful analytics tools to gain valuable insight into traffic patterns and high-risk locations. CROMS is a collision records management solution which supports proactive policing to improve road safety.

Learn more about our Collision Reporting Centres.

Digital Officer Transformation Program

The Digital Officer Transformation Program has made a significant impact on Peel Regional Police in 2021. The Digital Officer Transformation Program encompasses all technological and innovative initiatives in order to adapt to the changing digital public safety environment. The vision for this program is to ensure our frontline members are provided with the most impactful technology tools available to increase efficiency and maximize effectiveness. Peel Regional Police is making this vision a reality by introducing the following initiatives:

  • Apple iPhone 12 Pro deployment to all divisional frontline officers, and subsequent roll-out of additional devices to include Investigative Support Bureau and beyond.

  • The Body-Worn Camera project progressed ahead of schedule; full deployment and training for divisional frontline officers was completed. This training included our new human rights focused integrated approach with elements of fair and impartial training, racial profiling, de-escalation and implicit bias training. Learn more about our body-worn cameras.

  • Accelerated our E-Parade initiative installing multiple large screen monitors in parade rooms. Full implementation of the E-Parade program will incorporate large scale video conferencing and virtual corporate announcements.

  • Continued to formalize partnerships and collaborate with industry leaders.

Public Safety Platform Ecosystem Partnership

Peel Regional Police has formalized a partnership to deploy mission critical end-to-end software and video solutions to enhance officer and community safety and well-being: Public Safety Platform Ecosystem. The Ecosystem will enhance frontline service delivery and will include:

  • Advanced 9-1-1 for emergency call taking.
  • Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) for the capture and real-time distribution of information from 9-1-1 calls to responding officers.
  • Aggregate data and video information for better situational awareness.
  • Cameras for video security and analytics on active cases.

The Public Safety Platform Ecosystem will eliminate information silos, improve data sharing and centralize data access to expedite officer response times and reporting. The new software will help to modernize the public safety and emergency communication workflow across dispatchers, first responders and records specialists, whose job it is to preserve the integrity of information and evidence. 

“Innovative technology solutions like these are a game changer in how we meet our goal to enhance community safety and well-being for our citizens while providing our organization of more than 3,000 members the best in class tools to do so.” Deputy Chief Anthony Odoardi

 Provincial Digital Evidence Management System Announcement

The province of Ontario Solicitor General announced a partnership for the Provincial Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS). The new provincial DEMS will be fully compatible with Peel Regional Police’s DEMS, which allows us to manage, review and share digital evidence, particularly video evidence, captured with body-worn cameras and evidence captured on mobile devices.

The province has committed to an inter-operable system that would see an increase in connectivity and functionality with justice partners throughout the province. This application is a one-stop-shop for crowns, defence, courts, and judges to be able to access all materials related to scheduled court events and allows disclosure to be shared across sector partners.  

Benefits from modernizing the existing digital systems include:

  • Seamless, efficient, secure exchange of court files and evidence by justice sector partners.

  • Reduced administrative tasks through secure automation.

  • Streamlined mechanisms to ensure timely and effective data exchange.

  • Cost-effective approach to purchasing data storage and licensing rates.

officer training students


Training to Support Service Delivery

The mandatory annual incident response training has been revised to better meet organizational needs. The 2-4 training model was originally adapted for the deployment of body-worn cameras training to frontline members. The model aligns with frontline and follows a platoon based schedule that is easily adaptable to all organizational areas. The new 2-4 training model has many benefits, including:

  • Significant reduction in overtime while maximizing training.
  • Improved scheduling allowing for coverage during peak workload for both frontline and investigative members.
  • Integration of human rights focused training with annual use of force requalification increasing knowledge, skills and abilities of all sworn members.
  • Twice a year training mitigates skill fade and eliminates incident response training expiry dates.

New Child in Crisis Training

The Child in Crisis Training was implemented in 2021 for sworn members as part of their mandatory annual incident response training. This training strategy was in response to the Ontario Human Rights Commission recommendations related to interactions with racialized children and children in crisis. The strategy was twofold, involving systemic changes to enhance supervision of members dealing with children in crisis, and specialized training for all sworn members that focused on the least intrusive measures possible when interacting with children in crisis under the age of 12 years old. This training included a review of implicit bias, trauma-informed approach, empathy, de-escalation and fair and impartial policing.

English Subtitles Added to Interpreter Videos Available on All Devices

The video interpreter site provides members with pre-recorded translated videos for rights to counsel, cautions, drug recognition expert and breath demand. Each video is available in the 10 most common languages spoken in Peel Region: 

  • Arabic
  • Cantonese
  • Deaf/Hearing Impaired/American Sign Language (ASL)
  • French
  • Hindi
  • Mandarin/Simplified Chinese
  • Polish
  • Punjabi
  • Spanish
  • Urdu

The video interpreter system is not a substitute for an actual interpreter. It is a bridge solution that can be played between the time someone is in custody and the time when an interpreter is acquired. Upon arrest or detention, officers are able to access the interpreter portal via any Peel Regional Police device.

The addition of English subtitles allows officers to follow along with the translations by enabling closed captioning. Most importantly, it can be disclosed and demonstrates good faith to the courts in situations where we currently do not have another substitution.

peel police hybrid suv


Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

In partnership with the Region of Peel’s Office of Climate Change and Energy Management, Peel Regional Police Fleet Services and Facilities Management have installed four new level-two electric vehicle charging connectors for use by employees at Peel Regional Police Headquarters. This new initiative was funded through the Natural Resources Canada’s Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program. Peel Regional Police will evaluate the success of this initiative, along with other funding opportunities to determine the rollout of additional charging stations as Peel Regional Police moves towards utilizing more sustainable energy solutions in the future.

Our Electric Vehicle Journey

An Electric Vehicle Pilot Project has been approved in 21 Division to evaluate the feasibility of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in policing and demonstrate Peel Regional Police's commitment to engage in sustainable environmental practices by reducing our carbon footprint. 

While the initial cost of an electric vehicle is higher than some current fleet, research and evidence shows that the initial cost difference is made up very quickly on high kilometer vehicles due to the significantly lower operating costs. Subsequently, they will likely have a much longer service life than gas-powered vehicles. Police vehicles spend a great deal of time idling and engaging in sudden start-stop driving, which consumes significant amounts of fossil fuels and produce a lot of wear and tear on the engines.

Police vehicles have unique requirements that have to be addressed including specialized interior and exterior up-fitting equipment, 24/7 availability, pursuit-rated performance and high safety and crash ratings. A pilot project is the most effective way of determining if BEVs could be used to replace the existing gas vehicles without affecting service delivery. 

Learn more about our electric vehicle journey.

Reducing Unnecessary Police Vehicle Idling

While general idling is recognized as a necessary part of police operations, excess idling has a negative impact on the vehicle, the environment, our health and our resources. Peel Regional Police patrol vehicles are estimated to idle 65% of the time. 

Peel Regional Police is committed to reducing unnecessary police vehicle idling. Every vehicle is equipped with a Chargeguard that maintains power to the Mobile Dispatch Unit (MDU) using the car battery for up to two hours while the vehicle is off. This allows officers to continue their duties without idling.

Just 30 minutes of idling is the equivalent to approximately 25 km of wear and tear on a vehicle. Ten minutes of idling releases one pound of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a contributor to climate change. The inhalation of idling fumes can lead to a number of major health concerns. By reducing the unnecessary idling time, a significant amount of money can be saved and reallocated.

human rights project ad

Ontario Human Rights Project

Community Survey

Peel Regional Police is working with the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to utilize principles under a systemic change framework to develop and implement solutions to dismantle systemic racism while supporting our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy.

One of the seven key principles of the OHRC is data collection: to collect and analyze race data, to identify and reduce disparity and to manage performance. Race-based data collection is one of the tools that can allow police services to positively adapt to a rapidly changing social environment. To support this principle, Peel Regional Police hosted educational seminars to provide first hand information about the race-based data collection project. 

Peel Regional Police is committed to ensuring community feedback is considered for the Human Rights Project. In 2021, over 1,000 community members provided feedback through a survey compiled in collaboration with the OHRC on their perspectives and experiences with Peel Regional Police.  They also provided feedback and support for the seven principles that will guide the framework.  This information will assist in moving the project forward.

“The survey represents a significant step forward in our efforts to understand better the opinions of individuals who live and work in Peel. These findings highlight the reality that systemic racism in the police is a priority and that the community recognizes the transformation we have already undertaken, as well as the fact that more change is necessary." Peel Police Services Board Chair, Ahmad Attia

Learn more about our Human Rights Project.

Workforce Census Survey - Make Your Space in the Workplace

In the fall of 2021, a Workforce Census Survey was conducted within our organization to collect and report demographic data about our service. The survey was designed with inputs from the Ontario Human Rights Commission and was essential in identifying systemic barriers and opportunities to become more inclusive. Capturing this data helps pave the way for evidence-based action planning to achieve a progressive, more equitable and inclusive workplace.

The data collected will be one of many inputs into Peel Regional Police’s future culture, diversity, equity and inclusion approach. The results will also influence Human Resources, and enable informed decision making at all levels and across all service areas.

Research shows that when belonging and inclusion is supported in the workplace it leads to stronger mental and emotional health, which benefits the overall well-being for all members as well as increases member satisfaction, innovation, retention and productivity.

officer standing beside K9

Other Exciting News

 Peel Regional Police and Peel Regional Paramedics Partnership

Peel Regional Police and Peel Regional Paramedics Services (PRPS) continue to strengthen our partnership. Members from across all service areas from each organization have been selected to form working teams. These teams will focus on:

  • Enhancing police support and thus paramedic safety on scene.

  • Increasing knowledge of our respective roles, responsibilities, operating procedures and governing bodies/acts.

  • Being a communication channel for frontline paramedics and police officers when questions or challenges arise.

  • Exploring opportunities for information sharing, combined operational debriefs and joint training. 

  • Exchanging insights on Central Ambulance Communication Centres (CACC) and Peel Regional Police Communications, planning for more effective, safe communication and emergency responses and discussing scene safety.

Peel Regional Police engage in and support the work of the External Violence Against Paramedics (EVAP) working group. EVAP supported our Zero Tolerance public awareness campaign. They also took an active role in sharing our It’s Not Normal Campaign on their social media platforms. These were some of the most successful stories for both shares, interactions and positive public comment.

The collaboration with PRPS has included participating in their recruit classes over the past year. Recruits are given the opportunity to ask questions and have open discussion. They are required to do scenarios created jointly by PRPS and Peel Regional Police. The scenarios highlight the importance of providing a safe environment for paramedics to provide medical care, and good paramedic-police communication regarding needs and scene management plans. Almost 200 officers have been given the opportunity to better understand the role and responsibilities of paramedics while working in their environment inside an ambulance.

Canine Unit Strives for Excellence

The Canine Unit strives to ensure our compliment of 13 police dogs are trained to meet Peel Regional Police’s operational needs. Through a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis conducted by Peel Regional Police, two opportunities within the Canine Unit were identified:

  • Increase the number of dogs trained in drug detection.

  • Access suitable training aides for the canine cadaver detection program.

In response to the opportunities identified, the Canine Unit trainers initiated an in-house, six-week Canine Drug Detection Course, resulting in the successful certification of two additional teams, which increased the unit’s compliment of drug detection trained dogs to three.

Peel Regional Police’s Canine Unit has continued to build relationships with various stakeholders involved in the study of human decomposition. One of these important partnerships is with the Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, where in 2020 the first body-farm in Canada was opened to study the decomposition of human bodies. Through this partnership, the Canine Unit has obtained the required approvals to take possession of training materials for the purposes of canine cadaver training. This has also allowed Peel Regional Police to host training days for other Greater Toronto Area Police Canine Units, which has served to strengthen those existing relationships.

Peel Regional Police introduces upgraded PRPnews.ca

In keeping with the upstream approach to improving and promoting community safety and well-being, Peel Regional Police was excited to announce the transformation of our news into an all-encompassing News Centre. It includes active incidents and traffic alerts in the region, news releases, and access to our social media platforms, videos, media portal, and so much more. Now it is all in one place, easily accessible and available 24/7. Keep up-to-date by subscribing and getting real-time information about what is happening in our community directly to your inbox. You can customize your subscription, add additional subscriptions or unsubscribe at any time.

Visit our News Centre.

2021 Funding Partnerships

$17.7 Million from Funding Partnerships

funding partnerships chart showing the division of the $17.7 million received

1. Ministry of the Solicitor General 2. Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Branch 3. Chief Firearms Office for Ontario 4. Ontario Cannabis Legalization Implementation Fund 5. Other Grant Funding: Provincial Human Trafficking Intelligence-Led Joint Forces Strategy (IJFS) ($0.181M), Building Local Internet Child Exploitation Unit Capacity in Ontario to Combat Child Sexual Exploitation Online ($0.175M), Youth Engagement & Anti-Racism Initiative ($0.139M), Guns and Gangs (GRIT Team) ($0.105M), Technical Investigations Cooperative (TIC) ($0.104M), Provincial Proceeds of Crime (POC) – Technical Investigations ($0.1M), Project Haven ($0.055M), Department of Justice Canada - Victims Fund - Human Trafficking ($0.026M), Hate Crimes and Extremism Terrorism (HCEIT) ($0.004M). Totals may not add up due to rounding.


Performance Indicators

3.1 Collaboration, Partnerships and Shared Services

Co-lead the Community Safety and Well-Being System Leadership Table to improve collaboration and information sharing with community partners, and create opportunities for additional partnerships and shared services agreements.

3.1.1 Peel Regional Police Chief maintained his position as the co-chair of the Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) System Leadership Table with the Commissioner of Health Services from the Region of Peel. The CSWB Plan was approved by Peel Regional Council in October 2020. Since the approval, the System Leadership Table (SLT) has met three times to provide overall support to plan activities and initiatives. The SLT is co-chaired by the Chief and Commissioner of Health and is supported by members of Peel Region and Peel Regional Police.   

3.1.2 Peel Regional Police currently has over 110 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) to outline roles and responsibilities with other agencies. Some partners include Safe City Mississauga, Sheridan College, University of Guelph-Humber and the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

3.1.3 A number of shared service and technology projects exist, including:

  • Peel Regional Police Deputy Chief is the Managing Director of the Public Safety Broadband Network Innovation Alliance, a group that provides Canadian Public Safety Wireless Broadband Services governance, international coordination, and strategy for emergency communications.
  • Assisted the province with the implementation of the Provincial Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS). 
  • Collaborated with the Region of Peel for procurement of Enterprise Resource Planning including Human Resource Management and Financial Management functions.
  • Collaboration with the Region of Peel for implementation of the Enterprise Asset Management to meet the requirements of O. Reg. 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure. 
  • Partnered with the City of Mississauga Enforcement Unit to allow for joint forces enforcement involving noise complaints and a new bylaw surrounding short term accommodation units that are increasingly becoming a source of various criminal activity.
  • Provincial collaboration with the Ministry of the Solicitor General to deploy 400 Highway series closed-circuit television cameras.
  • Collaboration with external vendor to assist Peel Regional Police in deploying our Mobile Technology Strategy to provide confidence in the cyber secure environment platform.

3.1.4 Completed 12 Joint Force Operations to help combat criminal operations.

3.2 Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity In Our Workplace and Our Community

Develop and implement initiatives to support diversity, equity and inclusion in our workplace and in the community.

3.2.1 Accountability mechanisms in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy addressed recommendations made by the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). Current State Inclusivity Assessment report, and a DEI training partnership with CCDI was renewed. Additionally, a Culture Action Plan was developed in response to the Culture Assessment conducted in 2020. The plan includes short, mid and long term goals that are being implemented and monitored on a regular basis. 

3.2.2 Continued the implementation of actions outlined in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy, including the establishment of a new Chief Resource Council, Human Rights centred integrated training delivered and ongoing, Faces of Peel campaign to boost recruitment of under-represented groups, completion of a Workforce Census and the establishment of three additional Internal Support Networks (ISN) with support, resources and accountability tasked to the DEI manager.

3.2.3 Work continued identifying actionable deliverables aimed at identifying and addressing systemic racism in policing including community consultations for race-based data collection and a community survey for the perceptions of and experiences with Peel Regional Police. Feedback received to date, including from planned community consultations for the actionable recommendations under the seven principles of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), will be incorporated into a multi-year Action Plan.

3.2.4 Continued to integrate a human rights focus into all recruit level training, incident response training and Leadership in Police Organization training. All current employees are required to have completed Fair and Impartial Policing Training. All training will continue to focus on bias-free strategies and will be provided to all new members.

3.3 Fiscal Responsibility and Sustainability

Conduct business practices ensuring fiscal responsibility and sustainability for effective service delivery.

3.3.1 Renewed long-standing funding partnerships with all levels of government resulting in Peel Regional Police receiving $17.7 million in funding to support community safety.

3.3.2 The 2022 Budget was approved by the Peel Police Services Board and Peel Regional Council and includes approval for hiring an additional 26 officers in 2022.

3.3.3 The 2022 Ten-Year Capital Plan was developed and approved by the Peel Police Services Board in October 2021.

3.4 Public Trust and Confidence Through Accountability and Transparency

Implement accountability and transparency initiatives to foster public trust and confidence. 

3.4.1 334 directives to ensure compliance with the Ontario Policing Standards and applicable legislation. Directives are reviewed on a regular basis.

3.4.2 The 2020 Residential and Business Community Survey to measure community attitudes, trust and confidence indicated most residents (74 per cent) and business owners/managers (77 per cent) feel that Peel Regional Police is doing a good or excellent job. Eight in 10 residents, and close to seven in 10 business owners/managers are satisfied or very satisfied with their personal safety from crime. An online community survey was conducted in 2021 as part of the Ontario Human Rights Project.

3.4.3 Identified organizational improvements required to apply for Order of Excellence level certification for the Organizational Excellence Standard in 2022. This standard focuses on leadership, planning, customers, people, process and partners, ensuring a continual improvement approach throughout the organization. Work continues to prepare Peel Regional Police to apply for Silver Level certification in the Healthy Workplace Standard in 2023.

3.4.4 Strategic Initiatives Bureau will be leading a data governance committee responsible for the development of an open data policy.

3.4.5 Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) were implemented at the Airport Division during 2020, and the process to provide them to frontline staff began in early 2021. Implement technical ability for Communications through the Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC) to Livestream BWC and ready for go-live in 2022.

3.4.6 Published 16 Police Services Act decisions on our external website.

3.4.7 The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received 107 public complaints about Peel Regional Police and concluded 108 reviews.

3.5 Service Excellence Through Innovation, Technology and Risk Mitigation

Identify and implement innovative processes, combining technology and risk mitigation to ensure service excellence to the community and within the organization.

3.5.1 Mitigated risk by investigating the eight risk reports submitted by Peel Regional Police members.

3.5.2 An Innovation and Technology Strategy was created for implementing and supporting technology, which included:

  • Completed construction for the Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC) and continuing efforts to establish 24-hour operation.

  • Facilitated the completion of the new Communications backup centre.

  • Enhanced the auto attendant switchboard, which resulted in cost reductions and reduced call volume into the Communications.

  • Continued to explore and utilize technologies for remote court processes.

3.5.3 A Service Delivery Review was conducted by an external consultant in early 2020. Recommendations in the form of a strategic roadmap outline initiatives related to people, organization, process, data and technology and facilities guide organizational change.

3.6 Sustainable Environmental Practices

Identify and engage in sustainable environmental practices.

3.6.1 Ordered 33 additional Ford Interceptor Hybrid Electric Vehicles and four Ford Mach-E Electric Vehicles in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate climate change impacts.

3.6.2 Installed four electric vehicle charging stations to encourage staff to drive cleaner vehicles.

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