Our People

Our People Performance Indicators

2,190 sworn complement, 928 civilian complement, 9,148 total complement, 30 cadet complement

48% female new hires, 204 total new hires, 147 outreach initiatives, 60% racialized new hires

64 languages spoken, 1,142 multilingual members, 49 officer promotions, 52% racialized cadets

female officer in uniform standing in front of cruiser holding a sign

Health and Wellness

Heart Disease and Mental Health

There is a profound connection between mental and physical health; when one falters, the other is soon to follow. Mental health is a topic often discussed within policing and Peel Regional Police campaigns. The ‘Bell Let's Talk’ Campaign helps to recognize and acknowledge how stress, anxiety and depression have become common in the first responder world. Physical health was an important topic in February, also known as Heart Month. Peel Regional Police took the opportunity to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of heart disease, to encourage members to listen to their bodies and to book annual check-ups. Some Peel Regional Police members who have been affected by heart disease shared their personal stories and experiences to promote the importance of proactive heart health.

Healthy Workplace

As part of our journey with Excellence Canada, Peel Regional Police implemented a new Healthy Workplace Strategy in 2021 with the next steps in place to achieve the Order of Excellence designation in the fall of 2022. Themes of excellence, innovation and wellness are woven throughout the strategy. Four areas of focus were created using these themes:

  • Physical Environment: Focus on occupational health and safety, and physical well-being.
  • Healthy Lifestyles: Develop and maintain healthy practices, dropping unhealthy and risky habits and make optimal use of the health care system.
  • Mental Health and Workplace Culture: The mental health strategy developed directs our workplace culture to focus on the psychological and physical well-being of all employees through a framework of policies, programs and initiatives.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Focuses on partnerships with community services and our Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy. Community involvement includes human rights, environmental protection and emergency response.

There are currently five plans within our Healthy Workplace Strategy:

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): Fostering trust by changing the culture of our police service, where leaders and members are accountable for promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within Peel Regional Police and our community.
  • Human Resources: Offering professional development and consultations, services and solutions, while fostering a healthy, safe and productive work environment for members to maximize organizational and individual potential.
  • Organizational Wellness: Promoting resiliency and overall well-being of members and their families, providing confidential and personalized support and resources.
  • Mental Health: Working collaboratively with all stakeholders to develop superior and sustainable services for those impacted by mental health and addiction.
  • Culture: Fostering a culture that is inclusive, equitable, collaborative and compassionate, in an accountable environment where members and the community feel safe and their voices and actions valued.

Organizational Wellness App

Our Organizational Wellness Bureau developed a new Wellness App, which is a needs-based tool that provides easy access to resources and support for all Peel Regional Police members. The app is available on all Peel Regional Police issued mobile phones and can also be downloaded on members’ personal devices.

The Wellness App has several components including:

  • Immediate Support: 24/7 contacts and resources for those needing immediate assistance.
  • Tough Calls: A self check-in and stress management resource tool for members who have been on a challenging call.
  • Internal Supports: Contact information for the Peer Support Team and Chaplaincy.
  • External Supports: Community psychological support contacts, such as Peel Beyond the Blue and Boots on the Ground.
  • Healthy Mind Healthy Body: Information relating to mindfulness, sleep, nutrition and exercise.
  • News Feed: Where members can promote upcoming initiatives and events.
  • Links to alternative multimedia, such as podcasts and videos.

Each section provides various contacts and a wealth of resources that members can access based on their needs within a confidential platform. Content is updated frequently in order to provide relevant information.

male officer in uniform


Cultural Assessment Report

Peel Regional Police conducted a Cultural Assessment in 2020 to determine a baseline blueprint of our police culture. The goal was to assess and identify the organization’s cultural traits with its strategic priorities. Interviews and a Culture Survey were conducted with senior leadership and members service-wide. The results of the assessment were reported in 2021. Senior Leadership utilized the assessment and identified behavioural changes that would have a positive impact on our culture and increase the alignment between the organization’s approach and strategic priorities, while creating wide-scale lasting culture change. Behaviours were identified that work in harmony with and support the organization’s goals, and those that have the potential to act as barriers to Peel Regional Police’s success. The priority of Peel Regional Police is to build a culture that is fair, equitable and collaborative.

Peel Chapter of Beyond the Blue – Green Epaulette and Mask Campaign

Beyond the Blue is a Canada-wide organization that acknowledges the unique challenges of law enforcement families. They provide education and tools that spouses and children of law enforcement officers need in order to understand the scope of life as a police officer. The Peel Chapter of Beyond the Blue is a peer-led, non-profit organization comprised of highly motivated Peel Regional Police family members. Their first major initiative was the ‘Green Epaulette and Mask Campaign’. This Campaign was developed to raise mental health awareness in May, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness in June. The colour green symbolizes the continual awareness of mental health in order to help fight the stigma that is often associated with it. Sworn and civilian members were given the opportunity to purchase green masks or green officer epaulettes customized with their badge number and rank insignia. They were worn as part of their standard uniform for May and June 2021. Over $9,000 was raised for mental health awareness by selling 639 epaulettes and 90 masks. Proceeds from the sales helped Peel Beyond the Blue develop and train a newly formed family support team. Mental health is key to the well-being and safety of our community. Let’s work together to acknowledge, understand and support healing.

Learn more about the green epaulette campaign. 

Learn more about Peel Beyond The Blue.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In 2021, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Unit completed a Workforce Census to be used as one of many inputs into Peel Regional Police’s future culture progression to support belonging and inclusion in the workplace, foster stronger emotional and mental health, and overall well-being for members. The Workforce Census asked questions about identity-based characteristics such as age, gender, ethno-racial identity, religion, caregiver status and demographics. The information gathered will help Peel Regional Police better understand the makeup of our workforce and how the organization can provide the necessary support to our members. Collecting this data is an essential first step to building evidence-based support and resources for the future of our workplace. As we move beyond 2021, we will leverage this data to develop inclusion initiatives and empower informal and formal leaders with learning and actions to be the most innovative and progressive service that we can be.

DEI initiatives highlights:

  • Established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council and the Chief’s Resource Council.
  • Real-time translation mobile devices have been provided to the front-line for the deaf community.
  • Development of an Indigenous education training program.

We are committed to addressing the various needs within our multicultural community and Peel Regional Police membership, fostering and supporting equity and inclusivity. 

Coffee with the Chief

Peel Regional Police made history this year with the new Coffee with the Chief initiative. Coffee with the Chief provides Peel Regional Police members with an exclusive and unique opportunity to personally interact with the Chief and Deputies. These events are one of the many ways that Peel Regional Police leaders are committed to showing our members that they are listening to our members.

Through the Culture Survey conducted in 2020, members expressed their desire to have informal interactions with the Chief and the Executive Leadership. Coffee with the Chief creates open communication where participants are encouraged to share information between ranks and command structures. These sessions engage members in casual conversation about change initiatives and suggestions for improvement, while answering any questions or addressing concerns members may have. Some of the common themes raised were:

  • Opportunities to improve engagement with supervisors and support staff.
  • Support for maintaining professional credentials and designations.
  • Opportunities to address operational limitations.
  • Civilian growth opportunities and leadership training.

Peel Regional Police members are randomly selected to participate in these monthly sessions. This forum allows for impactful conversations and ideas to be shared. The small group format presents more opportunities to be open and discuss topics important to our membership.

Transforming our culture requires a commitment to changing our mindsets and behaviours to create a workplace that is inclusive, equitable, collaborative, compassionate and accountable, where members feel safe and their voices are heard and valued.

male in blue shirt in front of tree

Leadership Training

Leadership Development Program

Our Corporate Development Bureau is in the process of creating a multi-faceted leadership development approach to support succession planning and ongoing leadership development at all levels and ranks within the organization.

Every leadership journey is rooted in self-awareness and personal growth. Peel Regional Police has identified two key components to developing leadership, including emotional intelligence and a 'coach-like' culture. Peel Regional Police has engaged with TypeCoach, and has started to use the TypeCoach Verifier, a fun and interactive online assessment tool that allows participants to learn about their personality preferences in order to increase their self-awareness and their understanding of others’ preferences. This tool provides strategies to improve interpersonal communication, reduce conflict, and value our differences both in our work and in our personal lives. The TypeCoach Verifier tool has been provided to the Chief’s Management Group, the Senior Leadership Team, the Peer Support Team, participants in the 2021 Frontline Supervisor and Field Training Officer courses. In 2022, the TypeCoach Verifier will continue to be rolled out to additional members, including new recruits, with a plan to eventually reach all Peel Regional Police members.

A highlight of leadership development in 2021 was the opportunity offered to our Staff/Detective Sergeants and Civilian Supervisors to participate in the Influential Leadership Program. This program was offered to provide them additional training on how best to lead themselves and their people, an opportunity that is set to be expanded in 2022.

Respectful Workplace Program

Our Human Resources (HR) department has developed a Respectful Workplace Program with the tagline ‘Expect Respect – Working together to maintain a safe, harassment-free workplace’. The Respectful Workplace Program is an extension of our Workplace Discrimination and Harassment policy and practices. The program provides resources and training programs to all members of the organization. Highlights of the program include:

  • ‘Expect Respect’ tag line and branding created and used on our HR Intranet site and will be incorporated into future communication campaigns and training programs. 
  • HR partnered with employment law experts to develop two training modules: ‘Preventing and Responding to Harassment’ and ‘Understanding Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and the Impact of Trauma’ for all uniform and civilian supervisors. 

The purpose of this training is to build on the internal respect training supervisors have already completed. Supervisors are provided tools and skills to enable them to address common challenges in creating a respectful workplace. In 2021, out of our 450 supervisors at Peel Regional Police, 237 supervisors and acting supervisors attended training session one, and 126 supervisors and acting supervisors attended the training session two. The remaining supervisors will attend the training in 2022.

 Internal Support Networks

Internal Support Networks (ISNs) were created to provide Peel Regional Police members with a formally recognized structure to support their unique needs relating to personally identifying characteristics, both visible and invisible. ISNs promote diversity awareness and inclusivity, while fostering a workplace where members feel respected and valued. They also provide an opportunity for cross-cultural learning and development. This year, in addition to our current ISNs which include Asia, Black, Military Support, Pride and Unity (women), three new ISNs were created:

  • Bridge ISN: Members who are five years or less from retirement.
  • Caregivers ISN: Members who identify as caregivers for a child, a parent, or a loved one in their lives.
  • South Asian ISN: An added chapter to the Asia ISN.

Performance Indicators

2.1 Cultural, Physical and Psychological Well-Being and Safety of Our Employees

Develop and promote initiatives to support the well-being and safety of our employees.

2.1.1 The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) conducted 196 workplace inspections. The JOHSC members liaised with the respective stakeholders across the organization to ensure all hazards were addressed in a timely manner.

2.1.2 The Mental Health Strategy was developed under the Excellence Canada Healthy Workplace initiative and focuses on the mental health of all members to create a healthy and safe workforce. The Psychological Safeguarding Program modified its service delivery during pandemic restrictions to ensure continued availability to all members and continued to expand to include additional Peel Regional Police units to the program.

2.1.3 There were 269 Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) visits offered, 95 were accepted and conducted by our 32 CISM trained volunteer members. Some initiatives to support cultural, physical and psychological well-being and safety were:

  • Peel Regional Police speaker series Break the Silence featured personal stories of members’ mental health and life challenges.
  • Wellness Support Mobile App released to all members.
  • Where Do I Fit? awareness campaign for members to reflect on their own wellness, with visuals and messaging distributed throughout the organization.
  • Recruit Ontario Police College initiative began pairing recruits with Peer Support Officers to provide mentorship and foster positive relationships.

Occupational Health and Safety introduced initiatives to support members during the COVID-19 pandemic:           

  • The enhanced Peel Regional Police step-by-step online Health Check tool provided health guidance related to COVID-19.
  • A vaccination policy was developed.
  • Rapid antigen testing programs were introduced as a screening tool for members.
  • Health and safety protocols were established, including improved building ventilation.

2.2 Employee Collaboration and Engagement

Focus on improving employee collaboration and engagement.

2.2.1 Members worked together on the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWB), the Culture Committee and the Multi-Project Integration Strategy. These initiatives aim to ensure representation and involvement from multiple areas, enabling information sharing, identifying opportunities for collaboration, improving efficiency and aligning strategies.

2.2.2 A total of 58 messages from the Chief and 294 emails from Corporate Communications were sent to employees to increase awareness about organizational and community initiatives. Continued to use a number of channels including our intranet portal and television system, email bulletins, and produced 145 internal videos to increase communication with employees, more than double what was produced in 2020 (71 videos).

2.2.3 A Culture Plan was developed to respond to findings from the 2020 Culture Survey. Survey findings suggested focusing on three critical behaviours: treating everyone with equal care and respect, active listening and recognition. A number of initiatives were implemented to focus on these areas, including a monthly Coffee with the Chief session where members openly discuss ideas and concerns with the Chief and Deputies.

2.3 Invest in Our People

Provide resources and development opportunities for continued growth of staff.

2.3.1 The Leadership Development Program provides continuous improvement for all members through opportunities for growth and providing the essential skills to lead. A new leadership development curriculum was introduced using TypeCoach, an insightful and interactive personality tool to improve interpersonal communication and reduce conflict in our work and personal lives. Rank of Staff/Detective Sergeants and Civilian Supervisors were provided opportunity for training in an Influential Leadership Program.

2.3.2 Training and education related to development and leadership included:

  • 346 employees enrolled in 1,799 continuing education courses.

  • Employees spent 219,157 hours in training.

  • Temporary opportunities resulted in 441,824 acting hours.

  • Posted 536 internal job vacancies.

  • Promotion of 49 officers and the position advancement of 44 civilians.

2.3.3 Equipment and projects introduced to support safe and effective delivery of services included:

  • Continued work on final implementation of a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for frontline and communicators.

  • Implementation of the Division Channel Splitting to improve management of call volumes and increase officer safety.

  • Use of accommodated officers in Communications, redirecting and reducing call volume and enhancing customer service.

  • Purchased 400 modems with band 14 capability to be deployed in 2022 ensuring reliable and resilient data communication in times of crisis.

2.3.4 Replaced desktops, laptops and equipment more than four years old and out of warranty in accordance with the Information and Technology Plan. 150 desktop computers, 45 laptops computers, 40 monitors, 10 printers, 380 Mobile Dispatch Units and 50 iPads were replaced. More than 100 laptops were deployed to support employees working from home and 2,500 iPhones were deployed.

2.3.5 Facilities projects in accordance with the Facilities Plan include:

  • Classroom renovations.

  • Communications Centre Real Time Operations Centre renovations.

  • Headquarters electric vehicle charging stations.

  • Peel Children’s Safety Village parking lot revitalization.

  • Sir Robert Peel Centre parking lot revitalization, Intimate Partner Violence workspaces and firearm range.

  • Emil V. Kolb Centre generator fuel system replacement.

  • Land purchased and design team procured for Operational Support Facility with construction starting in 2023.

  • Created and operationalized a centralized and integrated primary Security Operations Centre.

2.4 Professional and Skilled Employees that Represent Our Community

Attract and retain skilled employees who represent our community.

2.4.1 Adjusted outreach initiatives to online digital approaches, including an Instagram account with our live and pre-recorded sessions, posts and stories, increasing followers to over 3,000. 147 outreach recruiting initiatives and recruiting forums to boost uniform applications, increased our outreach initiatives by 44% from 2020 (102). Received 2,462 uniform applications. Civilian Recruiting Team transitioned to online testing and remote interviewing to align with protocols.

2.4.2 Designated groups were represented in the organization: 36 per cent females, 30 per cent racialized and visible minorities, one per cent persons with disabilities and one per cent Indigenous.

2.4.3 Attrition rates were three per cent for officers and four per cent for civilians.

2.4.4 204 new hires (101 officers, 86 civilians and 17 cadets) which included: 122 (60 per cent) racialized and visible minorities, 97 (48 per cent) female, four (two per cent) Indigenous, and two (one per cent) persons with disabilities.

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