Freeze Out Auto Theft This Winter

Posted On Tuesday February 26, 2019
Freeze Theft
Freeze Theft

No one likes getting into a cold vehicle first thing in the morning, especially during our Canadian winters. While newer cars only need 30 seconds to a minute to warm up, it only takes a few seconds to become the victim of auto-theft if you leave your car while it’s running.

In 2016 there were 88 warm up thefts across the Region of Peel and the number more than doubled in 2017 to 189. The majority of these thefts were in the months of December, January and February when people would rather wait a few minutes inside their cozy homes than shiver in a cold driver’s seat.

If you need to run back into the house while your vehicle is idling, here are some safety tips to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of vehicle theft.

  1. Keep the keys with you if your vehicle is a push start and lock your doors.
  2. Use your spare set of keys so you can lock your doors when you leave.
  3. Install an automatic start in your vehicle and ensure the doors are locked.
  4. Don’t leave your vehicle unattended for long periods of time.
  5. Park in the garage to avoid having to warm up your vehicle.

The less time you use warming up your vehicle, the better it is for the environment, the easier it is on your wallet and the lower your risk of being a warm up theft victim.   

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